Welcome to St Joseph’s Primary School, Denman. As a member of St Joseph’s school community, you are an important member of our family.

St Joseph’s is a Catholic school that strives for academic excellence of the whole child. St Joseph’s students are immersed in a meaningful and inclusive learning program that caters for the intellectual, spiritual, emotional, social and physical dimensions of all students.

At St Joseph’s, there is great pride in our Catholic identity. The Gospel values of love, truth, justice, respect, forgiveness and compassion support all Key Learning Areas, school policies and procedures. 

Our school is a thriving community. The students of St Joseph’s enjoy their schooling because they are encouraged to fulfil their potential in all fields – academic, social, spiritual, sport, music and the arts. The educators at St Joseph’s continually update their professional learning so that they can offer the best opportunities for learning. Our school community is built on active partnerships between students, families, parishioners and members of the wider community.

Early educational foundations, laid by you, the first educators of your children, are respected and built upon at St Joseph’s Primary School. We encourage families to continue to take an active role in their child’s education by working in partnership with the teachers. There are many opportunities provided throughout the school year to do this both formally and informally.

The environment is a God given gift which we have been given the responsibility to care and maintain for future generations to enjoy. Environmental education plays an important role in all we do.

If you are not already a part of our wonderful school community, I encourage you to contact the school office to organise an interview with me and a tour of our wonderful school.

Michelle Lovegrove

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