The staffing at St Joseph’s school includes a principal, four full-time teaching positions, three part-time teachers, three Learning Support Teachers, three part-time Learning Support Assistants, a part-time Teacher-Librarian, part-time Library Assistant and a Clerical Assistant.
A school counsellor is available one day a week to assist the school in assessing and addressing individual student’s learning needs.
A highly structured combination of professional development opportunities, access to quality teaching resources and experiences as well as an increased emphasis on wellbeing and parent engagement has been developed to increase student readiness for and engagement in learning. Curriculum differentiation ensures that the needs of students are catered for at all levels.
The Leadership Team is responsible for setting the operational agenda and goals of the school as driven by the Strategic and Annual Plan.
A list of staff contacts can be found below:
Principal: Michelle Lovegrove
Religious Education Coordinator: Natalie Walters
Kindergarten – Tracy Main
Stage 2 (3/4) – Caitlyn Murtagh
Stage 3 (Year 5/6) – Natalie Walters
Executive Release Stage 3/PLT - Melissa Collins
Learning Support Teachers: Laura Marshall, Tahlia Tuckwell, Colleen Toms
Pedagogical Mentor: Mellissa Jackson
Gifted Education Mentor Project Officer: Maree Pittaway
Teacher Librarian: Emily Somerville
ATSI Education Teacher/Pastoral Care Worker: Kathyn Jones
Learning Support Assistants: Alison Poole, Julie Power, Jessica Hewitt, Gail McCormick
Library Assistant: Alison Poole
Administrative Assistant: Stella Raleigh